Kashmirs history is filled with mythical tales, fallacious narratives, corrupt ideologies and fake rhetorics. We sometimes accept this hypocrisy as truth and that's solely due to our ignorance. When one starts reading about Kashmir in an organised manner right from the (+)
beginning, one finds that at most of the time's the structures of lies have been portrayed as epitomes of truth and these structures of deceit have evolved into almost indestructible one's. Kalhans Rajtarangni has been given the name 'gospel of truth' and this has been (+)
made an established fact with proper backing. When one reads Kalhan, as a person and as a writer, there are many rattling things related to him. He wrote a history of thousands of years and all it took him was a year. One commits many errs while writing his own biography and (+)
we are made to believe that Kalhan hasn't committed a single err while writing history of thousands of year's. Kalhan has used his imagination and has weaved myth's after myth's to such an extent in such a crafty manner that it can be easily accepted as a truth. Kalhans (+)
writing has been contested by many scholars and they have found numerous flaws in it. After Kalhan, his work was extended by another self claimed historian Jonarja. This man has demeaned muslim king's badly. He used to do all this during the ruler of Zain ul Abidin. (+)
He also wrote hypocrisy and lies in his books and mostly vilified Sultan Sikander. literature about Kashmir has mostly been dominated by writer's like Kalhan and Jonarja and as such we are, at times, made to accept their writings as true. But one has to learn to differentiate (+)
truth and falsehood. One has to learn the difference between a writer and a man whose writings were motivated by hatred, agony and bigotry. One has to understand the role of state in mainstreaming these writings which are mostly dictums of hypocrisy. Many aspects of (+)
Kashmirs history have been distorted, manipulated and exploited and one such aspect is Kashmiri Pandits exodus and genocide. This is one such issue which is used to justify our killings, the tyranny which is showered on us and our subjugation. The Kashmir Pandit exodus wasn't (+)
an exodus if one has to be true to his self. It was a migration which was backed by the state and took place as per the will of Kashmiri Pandits. The first lie which has been almost converted into truth is about the number's. KPs say that almost 3 to 5 lakh of them migrated (+)
and some even say that 7 lakh of them migrated but actually only about 24K families migrated and if we'll say that on an average each family has 5 members, even then the number isn't any more than 1.20Lakh. And as per the recent census which happened pre migration, the (+)
total number of KPs Living in Kashmir wasn't more than 1.5 Lakh. So there is a huge exaggeration and this lie has been spread with such intensity that it has almost become a truth. Then comes the number of KPs who were killed. As per the figures issued by Home ministry of (+)
indian government, not more than 219 KPs were killed over a period of more than a decade ( from 1989 to 2004). So the second lie which KPs spread with great intensity is that thousands of their community members were killed, which never happened in reality. The KP migration (+)
had multiple purposes but the purpose which was most important and which was served as a lollypop to KPs was that the state would crush the Islamists in Kashmir and that would be achieved through decimation of Muslim Population. Even though the actual plan may have (+)
failed but Kashmiris witnessed multiple genocides in South, Central as well as North Kashmir soon after KP migration. The true reason's for this migration should never been replaced with the 'fake exodus' claim's. KPs were told that they need to stay away from Kashmir (+)
till Kashmiris are crushed but later this plan failed and as a result KPs had to pay a price for their treachery. They became a vote bank for most of the time. That's why some senior citizens of this community wrote a detailed apology on a newspaper in which they (+)
accepted their mistake and asked Kashmiris to forgive them. Although KPs faced some problems due to their treachery but that doesn't mean they aren't getting any perk's. They are getting and most of them are government employee. Infact recently 2000 post's were advertised for (+)
this small community. They have got multiple ration cards and receive multiple ration, they get special packages, they get reservations and they get every other facility but they as called migrant's because they chose to be so. They could have stayed just like those who
decided to stay but they migrated in order to make us suffer. Thousands of myth's have been created with respect to this migration. Many have even been refuted by police but some have been circulated to such an extent that hypocrites accept them as gospel truth.(+)
KP migration is a blot on Pandit community and not on Kashmiris. A quarter million of us were eliminated in 1948 and a half million forced to leave, we were reduced from absolute majority to a meager minority but no one bats an eye about that but everyone is worried about (+)
the fake exodus' of KPs which was backed by hypocrisy and deceit. It's time to put an end to this victimcard of decades. It's time to tell truth to the world. It's time to expose the serpent's. It's time to call a spade a spade and time to call out hypocrisy.
#EndKPVictimcard .
It's an established fact that as KPs were migrating towards Jammu in state sponsored trucks, they not only hurled abuses on Kashmiris watching them helplessly but also exposed the intentions of Jagmohan through their vile mouths. They knew what the plan was, they better knew it.
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