Steal these 16 marketing tips from marketers on Twitter.

1/ Get the basics right first - @ThatChristinaG

Storytelling first, then execution.

- @robin_daniels
Conventional wisdom will only get you so far. At some point you have to say something people generally disagree with to build something new

- @sara_pion
If things "aren't working" take an honest look at them. Constantly changing strategies & moving goal posts only hurts you more.

- @llaurenkat
Don’t be the Ad, be the TV show.

- @dhopediamond
Be empathetic. Empathy is a hugely powerful marketing tool.

- @cesilvam
Become an active #MarketingTwitter community member.

- @jenalyson
Learn how to focus on the foundation and marketing strategy instead of chasing shiny things (ie. new tools, new tactics, etc.)

- @CJ_250marketing
Posting is only half of the battle. The key is to ENGAGE with your community (DM response, reply to comments, engage with other accounts, etc.).

- @andrew_exler
Being risky is safe. Being safe is risky.

- @brianne2k (Purple Cow by @ThisIsSethsBlog)
Always be learning and open to new ideas

- @BSoSocials
Get out of your own industry bubble. Different perspectives are good!

- @h_horenstein
You’re only as good as who you steal from... and that’s just the beginning

- @CTtheDisrupter
It’s not about what you want, it’s about meeting the needs of the people you’re speaking to.

- @YouSoFancy
Know your audience

- @CardozaGab
Humanize the folks you’re in community with. Pay attention to people’s emotions and make them feel seen, known, and loved through your content and interactions.

- @lewisalex10
You can follow @Dmurr68.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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