🔥The unexpected consequence of too much sitting 🔥

The negatives of a sedentary lifestyle are widely known❗️

One issue that doesn't get mentioned enough is GLUTEAL AMNESIA, also known as the "dead butt syndrome".

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GLUTEAL AMNESIA, also known as the "dead butt syndrome" simply means:

➡️ Your gluteal muscles have been "unused" for so long that they now fail to activate whenever your body needs them to
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Role of the Glutes:

➡️ Play a major role in the way our body moves

➡️ Not just there for aesthetics

➡️ Crucial for keeping our torsos upright, moving/rotating of the thighs & walking/running
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➡️ Glutes get so weak that they forget to activate

➡️ Consequence: Other muscles need to compensate - such as your lower back muscles or hip flexors

➡️ This can cause all sorts of problems such as lower back pain, knee pain & poor posture
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How do you know if you suffer from the "dead butt syndrome"?

➡️Glute amnesia can vary in severity

Here's a simple test:

➡️ Do 10 glute bridges (video 👇)

🛑If you feel them more in your quads or hammies than in your glutes, you know you have some work to do.
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What can you do about it?

1. Choosing the right exercises

1⃣ Get off your butt (pun totally intended) & start focusing on your glute training

2⃣ Exercises like the squat, the deadlift & hip thrust are on top of the list
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What can you do about it?

2. Less sitting

➡️ Reduce sitting time

➡️ Make it a point to get up at least every hour or so & move a bit

➡️ Think about investing in a standing desk

➡️ Include more walks in your daily routine. It'll benefit you in many ways
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