Re: “Masking will save the economy.”

At the consumer level, there are legions of people, like myself, who will not purchase subpar, muted, restricted experiences.

There are also legions who *demand* subpar, muted, restricted experiences.

Quite a predicament we’ve created...
Trying to thread the needle is proving an exercise in futility.

Look at universities—they have decimated the college experience for students (customers) who are dis enrolling in droves, by attempting to placate the “Safetyists”, who criticize even re-opening...
No amount of masks, plastic partitions, arbitrary rules, vinyl floor dots, or air filters will satisfy consumers entrenched in political motivations or irrational fear

Conversely, de-restricting will lead to rational people showing up (& spending) in droves to patronize (see FL)
So it seems to me that businesses have a choice: wean off the safety theatre and cater to those who want to fully experience your goods & know, customers.

Or continue attempts to appease those whose irrational fear will never be satisfied—losing both groups.
(Obvi, regulatory & legal hurdles remain, including

a.) mandated govt restrictions
b.) lack of liability protections

But strictly at the demand-level, catering to one group has a path to profit.

The other seems to offer no more than revenue siphoning “safety” purgatory.)
School me, economist friends. Why am I right ? Why am I wrong? (Twitter-requisite reductivity aside ;)
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