So, today is National Run for Office Day, and one of the questions I am asked is what actually pushed me to run.  So let’s get into it, @runforsomething.
After leaving the Obama Administration in 2013, I was burned out. Moving back to Michigan was really the right move for me and Lauren, and we were still newlyweds. But the thought of running for elected office was not on my list.
I got very sick in 2016, and spent most of the summer and fall recuperating. Despite that, I woke up on election morning to volunteer in the boiler room downtown. Like everyone else, I expected a continuation of Democrats in the White House.
That did not happen, and by the end of the night we looked out over our city and state knowing that Michiganders had chosen Trump. Sobering.
That weekend, I expected to go to see Michigan play Iowa in Iowa City with some friends. Truth is, I’ve always loved @umich more than nearly everything. And through that drive from Detroit to Iowa City, I thought of how to make a difference for my state.
The Monday after returning, @mbsimon and I were musing about the horrendous nature of what happened and the Trumpists who were about to take power. It was scary, and I said to him “you know, we need young people everywhere serving.” I mentioned to him that
There were two Republicans up on the Board of Regents. “Why not you?” He said, and the encouragement was truly mind blowing. I never considered myself for this role, that’s for sure.
I spent most of the next year thinking about how to do it, how to win the nomination, how to win a general election. But the support from friends, just the “you can do this” was enough.
From there, it was an overwhelming, arduous process: working most days 8-4, driving to a County Party meeting, and getting home sometimes after 11 pm. With 2 small babies at home.
These were some of the places we went, from the blurry convention photos, to my family’s help, to the steps of the Capitol, to the @CollegeDemsatUM.
I got to meet my heroes: Chairman Dingell, I got to go to Traverse City and Escanaba and Marquette. I met @GoBlueVoteBrown. (Hi @philskaggs!)
Was it a tough 18 months? Yes. Was it worth every second? Absolutely. This was the night before. I was so proud to introduce @MalloryMcMorrow at her final rally as she FLIPPED a red senate seat. (And hi @MariManoogian). Oh yeah and...this picture.
Getting this in the mail was an incredible feeling.
But it’s not as incredible as getting to serve the people of Michigan and the University I love. I know it’s been a tough year, and I haven’t gotten everything right, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
The point is, follow @amandalitman and @runforsomething. It was one of the first endorsements I got and the first that made me say “hmm, maybe I can do this.”
You can follow @JordanAckerMI.
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