Tales of the Holocaust, A thread 1/4

These are all fact, if you deny any of them you deserve to go to prison

- Marmalade babies
- Cement mixer
- Nipple gloves
- Football babies
Tales of the Holocaust 2/4

- Electrocution floors
- Underground swimming pools with a moving floor electrified so much you turn to ash
- Opening floor crematorium
- Jew sausages
Tales of the Holocaust 3/4

- Chamber of moving knives
- Ponds full of acid
- The giant electric chair
- Rapist dogs
- Frozen and smashed to a million pieces
Tales of the Holocaust 4/4

- The Jew powered turnip cutter
- Forced to act like frogs every half hour hopping around
- All sorts of creative things made from skin
- Impossible to remove chalk marks to identify those they would then cut open to look for diamonds
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