how is the "mustin" related to justin's illnesses: a very necessary thread
justin was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder and was kept under lithium for a year which is why he had skin problems which made him look "musty"
he was later diagnosed with lyme disease, Epstein Barr, mono, depression and anxiety.
lyme disease is the fastest growing bacterial infection which can cause a whole spectrum of neuropsychiatric symptoms.
the name "mustin" was a troll name for justin created by trolls on twitter in a way to make fun of his illnesses while he was battling two chronic diseases.
excuses like "we call him mustin bc he does not shower" do not make any sense since lyme disease affects their mental health they literally lose their willpower to even get up in the morning.
either you can educate yourself or subconsciously ignore the fact that you are mocking his disease so that you can use it as a drag you think it is.
to the trolls call him "dustbin" or anything that doesn't mock his disease
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