it seems to me that not many know that navalny is an avowed nationalist & racist and not just a blonde guy who likes to gently kiss his blonde wife before going to jail and watches “rick & morty”. so here’s a little thread and some of it is pretty personal.
here is navalny’s 2007 video. “a tooth without a root is called “dead”. a nationalist is someone who doesn’t want the russian root to be removed from the word “russia”. we have the right to be russian in russia, and we will defend it.”
i downloaded it to make sure it won’t disappear but it is still shared by navalny’s official youtube channel. btw, in this video, navalny is introduced in the caption as a “certified nationalist”.
here is another video navalny is not keen to share anymore, in which he compares muslims to cockroaches and flies and recommends shooting them with guns if swatters and shoes fail
here is a 2011 interview with navalny where he explains why he goes to the so-called “russian march”, a yearly nationalist gathering, and why he thinks it’s ok to collaborate with nazis
you can read about the “russian marches”, what they convey and who participates here
russian marches are an especially hot topic today because it’s the 11th anniversary of the murder of antifascists stanislav markelov & anastasia baburova at the hands of neo-nazis in russia (i have not found any mentions of that murder by navalny)
eventually, navalny stopped going to “russian marches”. so did goryachev, because he’s serving life in prison now. but there have not been indications that navalny is willing to denounce his views
here is a link to navalny’s website with a bunch of materials about migration. “if europe has an “orgy of tolerance” towards islamists, in russia it’s the sodom & gomorrah of lies, hypocrisy, corruption & direct encouragement of aggressive islamism” 
abstract him from russia & you’ll get a vile picture. if navalny lived in the us, he would be against immigrants form mexico & guatemala. if he lived in france, he’d rant against algerians & the congolese.
and now for some personal stuff. when navalny was running for mayor of moscow in 2013 i visited his campaign office and right then and there they were teaching their volunteers to deflect on questions about his nationalism
the coach, a man whose name i forgot but could find, said navalny’s nationalism doesn’t matter, and then went on a tirade about the need to see “faces like my own” on the streets of moscow, instead of people of other races
i’m a mutt (russian/greek/jewish/ukrainian) as many reading this know, and this was so cravenly and gross that i burst out crying then and there. honestly, anyone who isn’t a monster would be angered. i should have done smth else but i was flabberghasted and unprepared for it
i feel like a conscious effort has been done in the following years to whitewash navalny’s reputation, especially as he realized that socialism is trendy & decided to go after a younger audience who have progressive views on ethnicity, but it was superficial
i recently started searching his profile for nasty stuff & i bet he wiped a whole lot, but still found some gems.
navalny is very concerned with migrants, but he can accept them if they buy a metro ticket for 2 rides
navalny’s campaign “stop feeding the caucasus” is aimed at making sure chechnya & other north caucusus are “not a burden” to russia. meanwhile, navalny himself wants to live in europe 🤪
apparently, navalny learned the tenets of his anti-muslim rhetoric at yale, where he attended a course, during debates against mosques, and he recreated them in moscow upon his return
and in general, navalny seems like a gross dude who makes cringey jokes about muslim people & constantly crusades against them
growing up in moscow in the 00s i have seen a lot of disgusting things done by nationalists. they beat up so many of my friends. they brutally killed people. they recruited young idiots. these were the worst years because putin’s government fully supported them.
later, putin’s govt began to crack down on various groups & using nationalist ideas for lofty ideals & imperial ideology, where street combat was not advantageous. but every once in a while horrible crimes still happened, still happen.
political repressions are bad. but most of support for navalny is just a fandom that does not center the real issues like freedom of assembly in russia, the need for a more prominent opposition but most importantly shifts the focus from what the political situation really is
moreover, engaging in the navalny narrative hyped by intelligence/tech/liberal circles does absolutely nothing for russian working class but everything for sanctions against russia & a new nationalist, racist but pro-western neo-liberal order instead of the old, anti-western one
the only way to fight against nationalism in russia is to be a communist & against all sorts of liberalism (i'll never tire of saying that liberalism invites nationalism). but even communism is marred w nationalism there so one has to know the context to be able to stay on course
politics is not just responding to the hype. please start using your own head, researching vigorously, and placing any event in context of other events. using navalny’s case to prop him up as a folk hero is very dangerous: don’t lose the plot
and if you really really need to support a political prisoner, why not pay attention to julian assange? no western politicos speak for him, and yet the man who exposed numerous imperialist war crimes is now in a covid-infested jail, facing a death penalty. #FreeAssangeNOW
a good addition from @IlyaBayona which explains the need to whitewash navalny's nationalism: he is entangled with the us government, here seen at a meeting with Bradford bell, 1st sec of us embassy (& that's grounds for legal persecution in any country)
and this comment from his livejournal brought in by the valiant @ValLisitsa is for my darling queer friends who support navalny: seasoned with good ole antisemitism. btw, being queer myself i distinctly remember that his stance on same sex marriage is also "NO". what a cutie!
also from @ValLisitsa: navalny's views of industrial workers “we must publicly drive all engineers & designers through a rank of soldiers w gauntlets. then publicly whip all workers. a laborer gets 10 lashes, an assemblyman 15, a shop manager 20, etc” 
thank you for your input @minininjalove: an international spin of navalny's politics where he smears Indigenous socialist president of Bolivia Evo Morales. those comparisons to juan guaido are not far from truth.
my fave thing with this thread is that nationalists keep reposting it and saying "this is the navalny we have lost 😭"
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