Today we're discussing the Tuskegee Studies and how they shaped human medical research as we know it today. (1/


#TSYIRemembers #TheSkinYoureIn #TuskegeeStudies #BlackHealthMatters

📸: @CDCgov
Starting in 1932, the Tuskegee Study was a 40-year study that examined the effects of untreated Syphilis in Black men.

The study was conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service and enrolled 600 Black male participants.

The participants were unaware of the study's... (2/
purpose. This meant they couldn't understand or consent to the study.

They were also unaware that they had syphilis, as researchers denied to give them more information on treatment or their condition.

Whistleblowers exposed the unethical study and it was shut down in 1972 (3/
Many participants died from complications from their untreated syphilis. Some wives and children of patients also developed syphilis.

Americans saw this as a violation of the rights of Black patients at the hands of white doctors. This created distrust of doctors & medicine (4/
These fears are valid and real.

They represent America's connection to the mistreatment and discrimination of Black people throughout history.

After the Associated Press exposed the unethical study, a panel was formed to examine the harm caused by the study. They found... (5/
The panel found that the men were:

- lied to about the facts of the study,
- not given an option to quit the study, and
- never given proper treatment for syphilis, even as it became publicly available in 1947. (6/

A 1974 lawsuit resulted in the Tuskegee Health Benefit Program. This guaranteed lifetime health benefits to the participants, their spouses, and children.

The National Research Act was signed into law. This created a committee to oversee human medical experiments (7/
Likewise, the concept of informed consent was established. This ensures that there are no violations of patient's rights when they agree to join a study.

Informed consent is mandatory for all research, including clinical trials for the COVID-19 vaccines. (8/
The COVID-19 vaccine is an important medical development. It is important that scientists followed all the required steps to ensure the safety and proper care of the study participants.

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