Megumi’s Potential strength and how he will become stronger than Gojo. A Thread: #JUJUTSUKAISEN #JujutsuKaisenSpoilers
Since beginning of the story we seen Characters like Sukuna and Todo being shocked at his own hidden strength which is also having to do with his trump card Mahoraga.
Not only Sukuna and Todo but Gojo himself said his potential is even better than our MC and even insinuated that he could be on his lv if not better before he summons Mahoraga in Shibuya.
Gojo said his and Megumi’s ancestors fought to the death in a draw while having the exact same techniques, Limitless and 6 eyes, and 10 shadows.
Megumi’s later says that the his ancestor used Mahoraga in a suicide attempt like him because Mahoraga was never exorcised but anybody in his clan, so Mahoraga was the trump card to make the battle a draw.
But let’s analyze Megumi’s capabilities so far.
His 6 Summons we seen do far offer a lot of versatility to his fighting style, and providing different strengths and support in different situations.
Those 6 Summons consist of Kon, Toad, Orochi, Nue, Max Elephant and Rabbit escape.
And could be up to 7 considering Mahoraga is number 10.
And besides his summons, later in Origin of Obedience we see him make his incomplete domain.
This domain allows him to make multiple of his summons through his shadows, as well as make shadows of himself and to move through Shadows himself.
Now how can Megumi surpass Gojo? Well with time obv and being able to complete his domain and to exorcise his remaining summons 7-10. As well as other potential techniques I will later include.
The biggest thing for Megumi to obtain will be Mahoraga himself. Mahoraga boast immense physical speed and power where he was able to send Sukuna flying across Shibuya and able to speed blitz him right after.
Also his sword of extermination is so powerful against curses that is Sukuna was not in a vessel he would have died off one hit. (To be fair this mostly is meant to kill curses but doubt many people are taking a curse energy/ positive energy sword hit)
Not only that his main power to adapt to all phenomenal is very powerful where you have to hit him with different powerful attacks in succession to be able to kill him.
As you see it took Sukuna to turn 140M of Shibuya to dust and then hit him with a mini Nuke right after.
But not only is Mahoraga his biggest summon, imo 7-9 will be a similar creature, and by that I mean they could provided certain abilities just like Mahoraga has.
I say this because no one was able to tame Mahoraga and as Gojo said their ancestors fought and there’s no way Zenin clan leader was keeping up with only animals before using Mahoraga
And now the craziest thing, go back to his domain, if Megumi is able to complete his domain, as well as to be the first to Tame Mahoraga, and even add his possible 7-9, in theory he should be able to make multiple Mahoraga’s in his domain.
Now potential techniques that Megumi can also learn.
We have seen reverse curse techniques and Maximum techniques that I think Megumi will eventually learn as well but but rn I can’t figure out what exactly it could be.
For instance, it would be insane if he is able to combine his shikigami like Geto does with curses.
Also as we saw Sukuna do there’s a possibility that Megumi could also make a pact where his Domain will be a much larger radius which imo would be insane for his style that he can cover so much of the ground in shadows.
With all this its very plausible that Megumi will very well surpass Gojo especially if his 7-9 turn out to be very capable summons but ofc not to the degree of Mahoraga.
Also btw there’s this thing that Sukuna as been wanting Megumi to do for him, and idk if that has something to with his power but if it is, its something we do not know of yet.
Also before anybody says something bout Gojo's infinity, its not that broken as his Infinity has been neutralized or bypassed 2x already by Domain techniques, like Domain expansion and Domain amplification, even a simple domain could neutralize his infinity.
So Gojo's students are very talented and will surpass him eventually
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