Minneapolis parents have to file their decisions on in-person vs. distance learning this week. I still haven't filed mine. But apparently there are people factoring my choice into theirs so ... My kids probably aren't going back. But that's not an obvious "duh" choice ...
What we really have here with in-person/virtual school is a choice between two pretty shitty options. There's not a single right answer. Please do not construe my decision as a sign that staying home is the scientifically objective Right Choice.
We are probably keeping the kids home (and again, we haven't turned in the paperwork yet because this IS such a hard choice) because that's how the balance of bad options and risk works out for our family. Not because I know that's the right answer for everyone. It's not.
In particular, my ex and I are privileged enough to have jobs we can do from home, and bosses who understand that some of our days each week will be a little ridiculous. We've had my ex's mom to help us a couple days a week. A lot of people aren't that lucky.
Anyway, that's the ~*personal news*~. Registration choices are due on the 22nd and, please remember, if you don't turn it in, the district is going to plan like you're coming back. (I don't think that's an evil plot, btw. I think they're trying to do their best at logistics.)
Also remember: Minneapolis Public Schools is not making this a one-time in/out choice. If you want back in later, you can. If you want back out later, you can. (I actually think that's likely to be a logistical clusterfuck down the road for them, but not my call.)
And. I dunno. I feel pretty miserable about this whole thing. So, like, remember to give yourself grace and know it's okay to make a choice you think is best for your family AND still feel awful and sad and angry about it. The End.
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