Getting tired of people holding up Tucker Carlson as a paragon of free speech when his website (at the time), The Daily Caller, helped set in motion my termination from the University of Illinois and then spent months justifying that brazen violation of academic freedom.
The website has a long history of stirring up shit for the purpose of getting leftist professors in trouble. It characterized Lisa Durden (a Black woman) as "belligerent" after she appeared on Carlson's Fox News program and was fired from Essex County College days later.
The website ran numerous articles applauding Drexel University's suspension of George Ciccariello-Maher. Carlson himself sided with the university despite its clear-cut abrogation of free speech.
The site also implicated @marclamonthill in anti-Semitism when Hill was fired from CNN for delivering a UN speech supportive of Palestinian liberation. It continued smearing and misrepresenting Hill as he faced discipline from his academic employer, Temple University.
After targeting various professors (many Black and Palestinian) for harassment and recrimination, in tandem with Carlson's TV show, The Daily Caller took a victory lap with an article titled, "Academia's Days of Employing Radical Professors are Numbered."
Such articles are archived (by the dozen) at The Daily Caller under the category of "Nutty Professors."
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