Starting now. Had to jury right access for my class, but we're making it work. Will be recorded. First question, "What happened on Jan 6?"
First @alicetiara. Culmination of coalition-building, among highly motivated, highly partisan actors, to act on what the believed to be reality. Resulted in insurrection. These networks were well-researched and well documented ahead of time.
Followup by @tressiemcphd. Starts by saying that she agrees with Alice, but doesn't want to repeat. Wants to call attention to less extreme manifestations of white identity politics. Insurrection as part of dual pillar of white reclamation of public life & discourse.
"What was happening outside of Capitol hill was also happening inside Capitol Hill." White racial framing shapes political and social discourse - normalizing opportunity hoarding - "Everyday white identity politics" that is not out of line with extremism.
Cottom: Social media speeds up the processes, but the social structures are in keeping with historical trends.
Apparently I broke the thread.
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