I don’t remember a time in my life when I’ve so regularly encountered unreasonableness & angry cynicism in people. I’m not even primarily thinking of mediated interactions online w/strangers but interactions w/people I know & encounter face-to-face. /1
People are distrustful/paranoid, overwhelmed, hurting, and fearful, but they’re expressing those feelings primarily in anger, enmity, militant certainty, contempt, and condescension. Family members and long-time friends are turning on each other. /2
My mind goes to Matthew 24:

“At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold...” /3
It’s a time of severe testing and refining for the church. Will we emerge more loving, more grounded in truth, more supernaturally unified in our tremendous diversity? Or will be become more hardened, harsh, hateful, scapegoating, & separatist? /4
When you boil meat, the scum rises to the top. At first, it’s all you see. You have to skim and discard it. As you do that and continue to cook the meat, even the tough parts like collagen and tendons become tender and good for food. /5
Right now, as the church is being tested, we see all kinds of things floating to the top—things that don’t belong in it: Gnosticism, paganism, sorcery, secularism, nationalism, lust for power, commodification, misogyny, toxic celebrity culture, class/racial hierarchy, & more. /6
Lord Jesus, help us. We’re lost in our sins w/o you, individually and collectively—not just in an ultimate sense but in an everyday sense. Left to our own devices, we’re unwise, unloving, arrogant, self-righteous, impatient, harsh, cowardly, joyless, unkind, & intemperate. /7
But with you, Jesus, all things are possible. We can learn to love our enemies. We can forgive our transgressors. We can find joy and hope in the midst of lament. We can be patient and gentle under fire. We can find peace in the midst of chaos. /8
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