8 views on the future of business.

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1) Culture:

Businesses with a “no internal meetings” policy will dominate.

A further rise in chat and voice note apps.

More focus on time productivity per headcount.
2) Hiring:

Businesses will shift the hiring process.

From “where did you study?” to “what is your experience?”

College/Undergraduate studies will no longer be a priority.

Increased competition to hire talent.
3) Sales:

Companies will cut down on “business trips”.

Door-to-door selling is a thing of the past.

Lower travel expenses and more time to sell remotely.

Who needs travel when you have the internet?
4) Marketing:

Businesses will further increase online efforts.

Those with no online strategy & network will stay behind.

Branding and digital marketing to play a key role.
5) Is 9-5 a thing of the 20th century?

Businesses will shift to flexible working environments.

People working more than one job, with their own schedule.

More people making money online.
6) Entitlement:

Business “titles” will lose relevance.

A shift from being a “Director” to “Specialization”.

Flatter structured organizations.

More cross-over between departments & decision makers.

The rise of decentralized organizations.
7) Remote work

Work from home is here to stay.

More flexibility in geographic hiring and increased competition between candidates.

Remote work will cause a shift of workforce from large cities to rural areas.
8) Social media

The rise of online partnerships and collaborations.

No one needs permission to learn and build with the internet. It’s free.

Those with an online track record will land more opportunities than those with a resume.
These are long-term opinions.

Not factual information.

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