There is something quite remarkable about Sweden. They decided early on to adhere to established public health practices and refused to panic. They rationalized a viral threat and established a risk based policy. 1/
That policy was built on trust and knowledge of its population. There was no fanfare or dramatic pressers filled with breying politicans. Just dull workman like activity moderating risk while society functioned. 2/
Sweden did many things right but deficits were highlighted, three of which are noteworthy. Two structural (poor investment in critical care and LTCs) and one legislative (recent gov't regulation). All driven by understandable political decisions. 4/
Sweden provides a calm contrast to the chaotic atmosphere of Ontario and Canada. There is an immaturity to our C19 response, political leadership is thin, public health community is lost in a bizarre social isolation experiment and the media is unable to inform. 5/
Examples are numerous, one being the Ontario premier's claim he will protect the kids. They are, of course, not at risk where the frail elderly are. Canada's most western province, under Dr. Henry's pragmatic leadership, has faired better. 6/
Ontario's science panel is another example of dysfunction. Slide presentations are unprofessional and have the look like of a high school science project. Data mistakes are readily evident and they have the uncanny ability to convince you their actions have no impact. 7/
It's quite remarkable and it goes to the heart of data literacy and whether Ontario would be better served by new voices. Cost benefit analyses are never performed and the long term repercussions aren't considered. Ontario seems to be running blind. 8/
This brings us to yesterday's events when Ontario's former CMO (Dr. Schabas) gently admonished the gov't and suggested the province could follow a "no drama" sweden-like approach. 9/
This didn't sit well with media who feeds the public a steady diet of panic porn. They too lack data literacy and lack the curiosity needed to address the gaping holes in scientific logic. As such, Dr. Schabas' dull workman-like solution is viewed as radical. 10/
Ontario is floundering and it sails rudderlessly into the future This hasn't gone unnoticed to business colleagues, who occupying a tax bracket decided higher than mine, are planning to move their families out of the country. Their dismay is clear. 11/
This is yet again another sign of failure, loss of communal confidence in Ontario's political and scientific leadership. It isn't surprising and a sensible course correction is now required. This needs to be accomplished quickly before permanent damage is done. End.
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