/not so long THREAD/

I am a Trader. I have been trading since 2004.

At the beginning of my career as a trader, I spent a couple of years looking for “The Holy Grail”.

The magical trading system with no flaws, no losses, only profits.
Spent a lot of money on education, books, trading systems, various so-called guru’s advice.

Guess what? Didn't find it.

I refused to believe it does not exist for quite a while.
I tried, failed, tried again, and failed again, many and many times again and again.

But since trading became my passion, I never considered the possibility of giving up.

That was not an option for me.
My background is in Economy and Law.

Great, it could help, you may say.

I worked for many years in top managerial positions.

Even better, you may think.

Just the opposite!

The more indicators, the worse.

My charts got cluttered.
At some point, it was almost impossible to identify the price in the chart.

So many indicators I used to draw.

Some were in total contrary.

Paralysis by analysis!

Everything I knew was a burden in my way of becoming a successful trader in the long term.
Everything I knew was sabotaging my effort.

One of the rules in becoming a good trader is that you have to forget almost everything you learned at school or at work.

Does not matter if you are an experienced CEO or a taxi driver.
You have both the same chance to succeed.

Believe me or not.

Trading is a different game with specific rules.

For sure much different from what most people think it is.

I was lucky or rewarded for being persistent.
With a book about trading in my hands, I have met a guy, who turned out to be a great and very successful trader.

We talked about various things for many hours.

After this insightful discussion, he offered me help.
And he became my mentor.

I still keep that email he wrote me this news.

It was the year 2012.

I had no idea what it meant to be a mentee.

We started with basic exercises, weekly sessions, from scratch.

He was getting familiar with my personality.
Based on my strengths we started to build with me my personalized trading system.

Do you see the difference?

It was not like, hey, here is what I do, just repeat it and you become rich quick.

No, this was a different game.
He only revealed to me parts of his trading plan and methods he used that were in line with my personality, so that I don't get confused and stay on track.

It took me another three years.

We became friends along the way.

In the end, I succeeded.
Since 2015 I have been trading for a living.

I'm pretty sure that without his help I would have most probably quit sooner or later in my trying.

I asked him once why he had chosen me?
I knew already that he was constantly asked by many international traders for being their mentor and he always refused.

I was the only one.
He answered he felt it that way.

He wanted to do the right thing at the right moment and he saw something in me, the ambition, the hunger to succeed, and everlasting determination.
He passed away tragically a few months after I decided trading is going to be the only source of income for me (at least for some time).

What I know now and have is his legacy. Knowledge.

And I feel obliged to pass it to another trader or traders.
I'm not a speaker, nor educator and for sure not a trading guru.

I like to be invisible.

I found my way and have kept it ever since. Built a profitable business.

I see many traders still looking for the holy grail.

It doesn't exist, stop chasing it.
Build your trading system and style based on your personality.

Maybe I can help you with this.

If I can help only one trader to escape the common traps of the trading business, I would consider myself successful.

Being a trader is not for everybody.
To be honest, it is not suitable for the majority of people.

It is different from what you think it would be.

And that is why so many people start and quit sooner or later.

It's maybe one of the most demanding professions you can choose.
This journey I have started here on Twitter is maybe the biggest step outside of my comfort zone in my life.

And although I'm ready to fail miserably, I will do my best to succeed.
It takes time, dedication, and an open mind to understand the specialties of this marvelous business.

You would be surprised what makes a difference in trading.

Things you most probably never thought of.

In the end, it's a form of art.
Trading is 20% system and 80% psychology.

I'm launching a book about matching your trading style with your personality shortly.

Follow me to get early access when it drops.

If you have any questions, DM me anytime.

Until then? Good Trading!
You can follow @TradersWay2FI.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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