State leaders begin hearings today on @GovKemp's budget for FY 2022, which begins on July 1st. The budget proposes spending $1.1 billion less than state leaders approved before the pandemic hit (FY 2020)- far less than needed to meet the needs of our growing state #gapol
For PreK through 12th grade public education, state leaders are considering a budget for the next fiscal year that under-funds GA's education formula by $393 million and reduces funding for public schools by $413 million from FY 2020 spending levels. #gapol
Higher education remains significantly underfunded. The gov's proposed FY 2022 budget would send $280 million less to Georgia's University System & Technical Colleges than approved for FY2020. These reductions come at the expense of teaching budgets & funding for libraries #gapol
The proposed FY 2022 budget does little to restore deep cuts to Georgia's core health agencies. The Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental disabilities remains underfunded by $69 million from FY 2020 levels. Public health also remains underfunded by $7 million #gapol
Despite massive continuing challenges from the pandemic, the gov's FY 2022 budget proposes $25 million less for Human Services, $1 million less for the dept of labor & $148 million in reductions to the state's criminal justice agencies from pre-pandemic funding levels #gapol
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