I still can't get over how Trump's "1776 Commission Report" is both so racist and Homer Simpson level stupid.

First off, the whole "slavery was a necessary evil and everyone did it" bit is deliberate abuse of history, by a bunch of people who aren't historians.
Slavery in the US was

1. Far more omnipresent than in other countries in the Americas and Europe

2. Made illegal far later

Other countries didn't fight a civil war over it. The effects of slavery are a lingering problem here in a way that they aren't anywhere else
Next saying that fascism and communism are the same thing is just... gah! No, the ideology of the two is totally different, and all they have in common is that Stalinism and Fascism are both totalitarian.

Of course, the GOP has been calling democrats communists lately
Which basically means this Republican report is calling Democrats Commienazis... which were made up bad guys meant to appeal to Homer's demographic in an episode of the Simpsons back in the 90's. The idea was meant to be so stupid it's funny, but here we are with the modern GOP.
The whole point of slamming "identity politics" is to claim that if Black people (and other minorities) just shut up about oppression, there wouldn't be any now, would there. Which as moronic as saying if we don't talk about slavery it's not a problem.
I listened to an interview with a southern soldier from the civil war yesterday. He believed that the war wasn't about slavery, and that slaves were perfectly happy and well treated.

The modern GOP's view of the world hasn't changed one bit from his in 155 years.
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