Struggling to get this week off the ground. In the meantime, though, to remind myself and maybe help others, a few things I've realized lately that help make #workfromhome in #highered a bit easier.
(1) as strong as the temptation might be, I avoid checking email first thing; email is basically an invitation to anxiety. I find other work to do instead and ease into the work day a bit more gradually. It's definitely helped set a better tone and makes me feel less frantic
(2) finish the day w/a brain dump of everything I need to do the next day--rather than make me feel anxious, it gets all of that out of my head and helps to limit middle of the night fretting; it also helps to mark the end of the workday, which can be a struggle w/ #workfromhome
(3) schedule a few days off NOW; if I wait until the thick of the semester, meetings get scheduled, everything feels more hectic, and I won't take the time; if a day off in say, March, is on my calendar now, I'm more likely to protect it and take it
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