5 Common Money Mistakes

That will come back to haunt you,

No. 5 could be costing you $1,000s.

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- Fear of missing out
- You only live once

These lifestyles typically don’t agree with:

- Aggressively saving
- Working hard
- Hustling

Don’t fall for YOLO and FOMO,
Focus on saving and investing.
2. Stuffing your Money in a Savings Account

Current savings rates are at an all-time low

So, why not invest the money instead?

Why some may avoid investing:

- Fear of losing money
- Increased risk

Your best bet?

Follow the MMW's investing strategy 👇 https://themillennialmoneywoman.com/dollar-cost-averaging/
3. Credit Card Debt

Credit card debt can destroy lives.


- High-interest rates
- Lowers your credit score
- Takes years to pay off, if paying minimums

Try not to accumulate credit card debt.
4. Not Taking Advantage of Employer Matches

In employer-sponsored retirement accounts such as:

- 401(k)
- 403(b)

Employees can contribute a portion of their paychecks.

Employers also often match 100% of the employee's contribution typically up to:

- 4% of salary.
5. Timing the Market

Market timing involves 2 nearly impossible decisions:

- When to sell
- When to buy

We don't have a crystal ball.

Timing the market can cause:

- Stress
- Anxiety
- Loss of money

If you want to succeed in the long run,
Avoid trying to time the market.
It’s easy to fall into the traps of:

- Timing the market
- YOLO/FOMO mindset
- Carrying credit card balances
- Completely avoiding the stock maret
- Missing out on "free" money from employers

Avoid the consumer mindset.

Level up NOW - follow the MMW 👇 https://themillennialmoneywoman.com/ 
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