This dude is going to wake up every day and tweet the words ‘oligarchy’ and ‘duopoly’ and then sit around huffing his own farts as he smears the most progressive Democrats in Congress not to push them to be better, but to trick people into thinking People’s Party isn’t a grift.
Has anyone ever seen Ryan Knight write a thread or an article or anything at all that explains why he became a socialist? That talks about Marxist theory?

Or does he just tweet pithy tweets designed to make people think he knows what he is talking about?

I’m seriously asking.
Because if this assclown is going to spend the next two years crawling up the squad’s ass, I want to see his bona fides.

I have never heard of a person who moved left without some sort of reckoning. Without some explanation of what triggered it.

Ryan never did that.
Because I remember him being in my DMs, begging me to retweet his tweets, asking me to be on his podcast until DAYS before Super Tuesday when he decided to quit Warren and move to Bernie.

‘I’M A SOCIALIST NOW.” That’s basically all he wrote.

What kind of asinine nonsense...
I also remember in one of his first few tweets, he was already trying to set himself up as a leader of Rose Twitter.

“No more snake emojis.” I remember him tweeting that and I remember rose Twitter being like “Bitch, what? You don’t even go here.”

He’s not genuine.
I actually saw him say he’s read Marx.

Pffft. yeah right.

It’s so transparent. I don’t understand how everyone doesn’t see it. Honestly.
I give him a year before he announces that he’s leaving the left.
Also, what kind of ding dongs start a third party in August before a presidential election. A third party led by white podcasters trying to find another revenue stream.

it’s so cringe.

But watch his twitter. It’s the same tweets every day. over and over over. Ugh. Shut up.
This is not to say that people’s politics don’t change.

But usually this sort of seismic shift is accompanied by some sort of explanation.

Not Ryan.

And usually leaders of a movement write threads & articles.

Not Ryan.

He steals ideas from BIPOC and peddles them as his own.
There are really smart radical leftists on here.

Ryan is not one of them.

HE certainly repackages their ideas and squirts them out on Twitter for clout.

He’s a clout demon and it’s dangerous.

Look at the infighting on the Twitter left. He’s in the middle; stoking it for $$.
Why do I care?

Because I really want to get some shit done. But if Democrats get shit done, that’s bad for the leftist grift. So that means leftist grifters are impediments to progress.

And that shit has got to stop.
Also yadda yadda foreclosure blah blah blah
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