The MD guide to the 40 greatest (and worst) drinks of our youth list. In order.

Number 40

Black Tower wine.

By the age of 14, we'd heard 20 different Scottish pronunciations of Liebfraumilch. Had a sip one Christmas and genuinely thought adults were insane for drinking it.
Number 39


Delivered by an 'uncle' in a brown medicine bottle or a milk bottle with a red rubber stop. Top notes of battery acid, a subtle hint of Duraglit with a lingering Brasso after taste. Tried it one Christmas. Still speaking in tongues on boxing day.
Number 38

Council Pop.
Number 37


"Stop whining. The astronaut Fellas drove to the moon and back on on it"
Number 36

Lucozade from the local chemist. Only for when you were poorly. Cellophane wrapper, heavy dimpled bottle, narcotic sugar rush.
Number 35

Powdered orange juice. 20 years of lab research to develop a powder that would never dissolve under any circumstances. RSI stir injuries commonplace. Orange grit water.
Number 34


In square bottles. Smuggled into house parties. Produced yellow sick.
Number 33

Mellow Bird's, will make you smi.... contemplate the pointless existence of life.
Number 32

Australian lager.

Oh, how exoitic it appeared. Until you tasted it.
Number 31

Creamola Foam.
Number 30

Ringtons Tea.

Delivered by a bloke in a van that always spent a suspiciously long time at number 39.
Number 29

Cherry B.
Number 28


Won at the fair or in a raffle. Never drunk, always saved for best.
Number 27

Colt 45
Number 26

MD 20/20

'The wine of the century'.

Who needs Pomerol?
Number 25

Tea made with a very old strainer.

'Adds to the flavour'.
Number 24

Paul Masson wine.

Served from a 'giraffe'.
Number 23

Alpine pop.
Number 22

The mysterious PLJ.
Number 21

Number 20

Number 19

Number 18

Blue Nun.
Number 17

Shandy Bass

For a long time, our favourite drink on the planet.
Number 16


'A tower of strength'
Number 15

"Camp" Coffee.

Still not sure what chicory is.
Number 14


Particularly the Cream Soda
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