I was lost in the word count mines when the nice Warhammer community stuff did the rounds recently, so I missed the chance to comment on my slice of positivity. Better late than never though, so here's mine:

There are lot of trans people into Warhammer. A *lot*. Loads and loads.
Obviously part of that's just more trans people being open about their lives these days. Some of it's probably my own awareness of trans people growing through cultural absorption, and some of it's just the fact that Warhammer is getting bigger every year, attracting new folks.
Despite a varied pal-sphere, I didn't know much about trans people, so I did what I always do: I asked people that knew more than me.

I have a chunky proportion of Warhammer pals who are doctors and/or psychologists, & others who actually are trans, or have adult trans children.
Very late into the process, I also bumped into this awesome video by @PhilosophyTube, discussing the whole thing through the lens of philosophy. In the parlance of the vid, I was "Yer Dad" for several years before asking all this stuff.
Thanks to various Warhammer friends with medical degrees, as well as several trans pals, I got a better handle on it a few years back. Many thousands of words & links to doctors' essays boiled down to what you'd expect:

"Trans men are men, trans women are women. Here's why."
So. Trans folks. Yeah, there are LOADS of trans people into Warhammer, and it speaks volumes about the fandom's good side.

Yes, this would've made way more sense in amongst all the other positivity but, look, I have this mega deadline eating my face, so shut up or whatever.

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