1) Exodus 22:18 KJV
[18] Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.... The verse was used by Calvinists and Catholics—both Church-State religions—to burn and torture a variety of people on both sides of the Atlantic. The King James translators had a good bit more sense about these
2) religious phonies than the Lockman Foundation of 1970. The AV translators saw the “catholicity” of the Puritans, and they recognized the persecuting spirit in their religion. All religions or beliefs which resort to politics, law enforcement, litigations, arrests,
3) imprisonments, financial pressure, or social ostracizing to obtain their objectives are SATANIC. John Calvin’s Reformed groups carried this Church-State set up with them exactly as they inherited it from their papal forebearers; for this reason, no one should be surprised to
4) find “Salem Witchcraft” hangings going on in “New” England to replace the fires of Smithfield in Old England. No alert student could have failed to observe that the regulations given here (chaps. 21–23) are given to a political body called out as a national entity. There is
5) no direct reference to the born-again Christian in the Body of Christ anywhere within 1,500 verses of the chapter in either direction. How then did John Calvin and the Popes manage to appropriate the verse for “Christian” practice? No man who believed the Bible would ever
6) burn anyone at the stake in this dispensation, nor would he sympathize with anyone who had it done or condoned it. Deuteronomy 18:10 and Leviticus 19:26, 31 make it clear that witches are real people who must be dealt with under the Jewish theocracy (1 Sam. 28). God dealt
7) roughly with Manasseh for consorting with these people and others (2 Chron. 33:6). Encyclopedias on witchcraft (and “histories of witchcraft”) bear witness to seven salient truths.
1. There have been people who were in contact with demoniac spirits and the Devil.
8) 2. These people had unusual or “supernatural powers” at times.
3. Many of these people used drugs and hypnotism as part of their communicative operations.
4. Many used WOODEN objects for a basis of communicating.
9) 5. Many of them were fakirs who did NOT have real supernatural power.
6. Many of those tortured into confession, or burnt at the stake, were Bible-believing Christians who rejected the Roman Mass and Roman sacraments.
10) 7. But there are still many real witches on earth today (male and female), some of whom are genuinely demon-possessed, psychic mediums, while others are merely play-actors seeking “accreditation.” Symbols are universal: the he-goat of Daniel 8:5–8, the Tarot cards, the
11) crystal ball (cf. Rev. 4:6), the frog of Revelation 16:13, the black cat of Revelation 13:1–2, naked women and sex orgies (Rev. 17:4), “bulls (Psa. 22:12), and wands (Exod. 7:9–12).
The witches in the New Testament (Acts 16:16–18) are rebuked; they are not burned at the
12) stake. This proves again that the Roman Catholic Church (as the Calvinistic “Reformed Churches” of the Puritans) was basically led by Bible-rejecting “Christians.” They may have believed in the “fundamentals” of the “Apostles’ Creed,” but where the New Testament crossed
13) their political setups, they simply ignored it
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