1/5 Aye been

In farming and crofting in Scotland there's a phrase 'it's aye been', or 'it's always been done that way' and is often associated with a reluctance by generational farmers to change to adopting new ways or improved methods of working the land.
2/5 It's often seen as a key barrier to progress in the industry.

But one element of 'aye been' that we are losing is the community element of farming and crofting.

When it's 'aye been' to have the community, both farmers and non farmers, work together to produce local food.
3/5 And before the onset of subsidies and the growth of agri businesses selling artificial fertilisers, feeds and supplements.

When it's 'aye been' the way to farm with nature and farm within the natural capacity and capabilities of the land.
4/5 It's not about 'romanticising' these elements of days gone by. It's acknowledging that whilst in some ways we have to accept the positive advances made in how we live and produce food, it can be worth remembering that some elements of 'aye been' are there for a reason...
5/5 ...and we are at risk of losing them as the drive for cheaper food produced through more intensive, lower welfare standards is gathering pace.

Crofting and farming are about producing food for, and playing a key role in, communities.

It's aye been that way.
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