Modern Wokeness is getting into some serious epicycles now. Multiracial Whiteness? WHAT?

> "And what are we to make of unmistakably White mob violence that also includes non-White participants? I call this phenomenon multiracial whiteness"
Telling people that there were 57 genders or that gender is a choice or just depends on what you identify as was level 9 of this, "Multiracial Whiteness" is level 11.

Is there anything sensible to be salvaged from this insanity?
> "Here, the politics of exclusion, violence and demonization are available to all. If you want to speak Spanish and celebrate a quinceañera in your family, go ahead. If you want to be a Proud Boy, be a Proud Boy. Trump doesn’t care. As long as you love him, he’ll love you."
Wow. What a monster! He accepts people from every race into his movement, as long as they agree with the ideas! HOW COULD HE!
No, you see he needs to uh, ... like... categorize people and grade them by skin color to be truly antiracist... yeah...only a Nazi would accept anyone into their movement irrespective of race ... 😬
Look, I'm not saying I like the nutty side of the modern right, but this criticism of them is utterly brain-dead.
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