I never invest in something I don't fully understand.
It could me my pea brain but how many that have $BTC truly understand everything of the ecosystem?

This piece is very convincing in its breakdown of tether and the effect it could have on crypto 1/3 https://link.medium.com/A8u73ukBadb 
I am not afraid to admit that I don't know the full ecosystem (that's why I don't invest in $BTC) and maybe I miss something.

For me, it's, to paraphrase @saxena_puru, when in doubt, stay out.

This is not a $BTC attack but a concern over the valuation and possible fraud. 2/3
I have hesitated to send this tweet because I know that it might cause some to hate me for it.

Please read the article with an open mind. If you are an expert and it is BS, I am sorry. It looks legit to me. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Not tweeting this felt like not taking responsibility. 3/3
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