ANNOUNCEMENT - I have finally found my crypto "home" and its @thorchain_org . Bitcoin is king of course!
TLDR - non KYC cross-chain liquidity protocol. Earn yield on ur #Bitcoin (anything is possible really) without giving up custody
Even Bitcoin Maximalists would be impressed😉
#Bitcoin will always be king but I was never a "maximalist". Saying all projects are "shitcoins" is not only wrong but a bet against human innovation - something that should never be underestimated.
Never bet against innovation - especially when it involves the internet
But even though I am not a maximalist, I never strongly felt about a community to be considered one of them (Ethereans, Link marines, etc), but i finally found an organization that I resonate with - its everyone's favorite non-KYC cross-chain protocol @thorchain_org ⚡️⚡️⚡️🎉🎉
Noncustodial cross-chain liquidity is desperately what the crypto ecosystem needs to evolve. After all, how many people are just "sitting" on their assets (*cough BTC)? How about coins getting delisted from CEXes due to political pressure? Or centralized exchanges getting hacked?
Thats y thorchain is great!😁😁 There are 0 liquidity pools that offer non-kyc NATIVE swaps with different chains. "wrapped" assets are a good step, but we all know that's an extra layer of centralization - something that goes against the ethos of the crypto industry.
But the best part is the community; great educators (shout out to @Bitcoin_Sage & @mehowbrains ), to funny anon folks that support the system with great memes (looking at u @UmaruCapital ) - the Thorchain community is one of the most organic-friendly-efficient community there is
⚡️⚡️Thorchain has 1 mission; to be the ULTIMATE liquidity provider protocol (if not already?) for EVERYONE in the crypto space the way Satoshi created #bitcoin - decentralized, neutral, and respecting your privacy by not storing your valuable information ANYWHERE.
I am going to make it my life mission to make sure that EVERY crypto community get to know about #thorchain and see if we can be a great match😁
After all, thorchain's multinet is just about to released and it will be the ONLY protocol that you can swap NATIVE BTC & ETH
Its an open secret at this point but @thorchain_org is fcking awesome and everyone who calls themself a "crypto" person or believe in a decentralized non-KYC world, they should check out Thorchain!!!


P.S - Dms are open about Thorchain anytime!
You can follow @CryptoDude213.
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