My ode to Kiwi Twitter
Kiwi twitter is my refuge. I chose my SM and how I use it carefully, and so much of the world is hard. Really hard and 2020 was rough. No one escaped.
But Kiwi Twitter was always my refuge
There is something very different about Kiwi Twitter. Special. Obviously it is the people, but it also the actions. Kiwi twitter is very dynamic. I have had the opportunity to be involved in:
Two secret Santa’s
Many Acts random kindness
Meet ups
It has been a place of education, solidarity. People have cared. They have wanted to know if you were ok. Really wanted to know. And they help. People reach out, people respond. Words and actions.
It is full of great humour - generally rooted in kindness - but some outrageously good snark. But so funny. So clever. So witty. Just glorious every day. Some best comics are in NZ and on NZ twitter. You know who you all are❣️
But Kiwi twitter is also passionate. I have met some fierce advocates here in kiwi twitter. They love freely, defend powerfully. They want to make the world a better place & put themselves out there for their community. Grass roots to govt. Working for greater than themselves.
But it does come down to the people. There truly are some amazing people. If you made it this far into my rambling gratitude, please let me know some of your favourite kiwi people you follow- you never know I might have missed some!! Xx
You can follow @phillippaonline.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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