Wrote this Nov 10, 2016.

I'm some chocolate, and a hot tub, away from near total recovery. It's the rest of the Nation, I worry about now. I mourn for this country. This election is not likely to affect me much, but I know it will hurt so many others. 1/8
11/10/16 -Women lost assured equality, the environment, wildlife, and the planet, lost big time, gays, the poor, minorities, immigrants, the disabled, children the world over, lost it all. Girls, lost their right to expect, respect. 2/8
11/10/16 Hate, fear, and the KKK won. They're leaving their mark around, so we know. Our Military Industrial Complex won. Contractors are already packing up helicopters that don't fly, obsolete fighter planes, 3/8
11/10/16 ...and whatever weapons they have gathering dust, selling it to us, because our fighting men deserve the best. Meanwhile, they will still be sleeping in the streets. Wall Street Bankers won. Wall Street is celebrating right now. 4/8
11/10/16 -That should tell you something. What was that about Hillary getting paid for a WS speech? She had to woo them, but she wasn't in bed with them. Bankers are already removing protections for consumers, against corrupt lenders. 5/8
11/10/16 - Dismantling various acts, in place to protect peoples savings ~ like it's Christmastime.
Sadly, this election did not help the white, middle class, men, or women, didn't help anyone that voted for him 6/8
11/10/16 - Boggles my mind how people can be tricked into thinking their right to clean water, energy, equality, healthcare, education, even a living wage, are all some form of "communist government meddling" and "Liberal Master plan" 7/8
11/10/16 - Only a fool can vote against their own best interests, and then be proud of it, because they think they killed some beast. That beast, was your own foot. 8/8
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