So, today I want to tell you about ADHD. Because I didn't call myself the 'queen of chaos' in my pinned tweet just because it's a nice alliteration with cats and crochet. 1/
A lot of people still think about hyperactive boys when they think of ADHD. And they're WRONG!

Prepare yourself for a long thread!

Also, disclaimer. I am in no way suggesting that everything in this thread is the be-all end-all of ADHD. 2/
ADHD is a lot more than just hyperactivity for starters.
It's a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects executive functions (impuls control, emotional control, planning) for instance. It can even affect your short term memory. And don't get me started on hyperfocus. 3/
There are 3 types of ADHD:
1. Hyperactive-impulsive type
2. Inattentive type (formerly known as ADD)
3. Combined type

People with hyperactive-impulsive type tend to be 'on'all the time. They can't sit still, they talk at inappropriate times, are impulsive and impatient. 4/
People with innatentive type tend to have difficulty focusing. It's not that they have a lack of focus, they just can't control their focus for a long period of time. They're easily distracted and tend to lose things (key's, hone, etc.). They are usually seen as daydreamers. 5/
Then there's the people with combined type (like yours truly) who can exhibit both the hyperactive-impulsive traits and the more 'daydreamy' traits.

It can be difficult for people with innatentive and combined type to get diagnosed. 6/
Because a lot of people (including people who work in mental healthcare) only recognise the hyperactive-impulsive type as ADHD.

A lot of people who get diagnosed later in life tend to be innatentive or combined type. 7/
For women it can be difficult to get diagnosed, because not only do they tend to have innatentive or combined type, society teaches them from a very young age to behave a certain way. To 'mask'.

For PoC it can be even more difficult to get diagnosed because.... well racism. 8/
There's also this myth that kids 'grow out of' ADHD.
You can't grow out of a neurodivelopment disorder!
You're born with it and you'll die with it. 9/
People CAN get better at dealing with their ADHD. They get jobs where their symptoms are much more manageble or just not that big of a deal. They develop methods and tricks to better manage their symptoms.
Or maybe their symptoms just aren't that bad. Everyone is different. 10/
By the way, ADHD is not something that was 'made up by BIG PHARMA' to get as many kids on drugs as they possibly can. Because GUESS WHAT ADHD ALSO DOES.

It messes with your dopamine. 11/
'Normal' people's neurotransmitters will send dopamine to their neuroreceivers to get them to do stuff. Like, do their homework, get out of bed, get something to drink.

Because of the little hit of dopamine, their body just get's up and does 'the thing'. 12/
With ADHD either the neurotransmitters don't give out enough dopamine, or the body absorbs it too soon for it to reach the neuroreceivers. Either way, the message gets lost.

It can litteraly be cripling. Your body just WON'T DO THE THING! 13/
Think of it like a coworker who comes into your office (just pretend you have an office) and says: "Hey, could you print this paper for me?"

In an ADHD-brain it would go something like this: "Hey,.... like, do stuff or something?" 14/
And you're just left there wondering: "Do what? Wait, I didn't catch that! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!?!"

ADHD medication like retalin, or dexamphetamine helps your neurotransmitters make more dopamine, so the ENTIRE message will reach your neuroreceivers. 15/
People who DON'T have ADHD and take ADHD medication will just get sent a sh*itload of extra dopamine to their brain. By taking medication ADHD-ers will get a REGULAR amount of dopamine sent to their brain. 16/
It might take a while for you to find the right medication and the right dosis.

And there's plenty of people for whom medication just doesn't work or they just don't feel comfortable taking it. And that's fine! Again, everyone's different. 17/
Fun fact, people with ADHD also tend to suffer from migraines, tend to have learning disabilities like dyslexia and dyscalculia and can even have vision problems like vertical heterophoria.

Funtimes! 18/
To end things on a positive note, there are some amazing English speaking ADHD advocates right here on twitter!

They have amazing content that really explains the intricacies of ADHD. 19/19

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