Sometimes my TL gets clogged with policrap, I sometimes engage and instantly regret it, so I block, instead.
I had a highly political account for several years & I erased it & deliberately started a new Twitter life of quietude. It's like taking a walk in a cool forest instead!
Don't get me wrong, I don't stick my head in the sand so I don't know what's going on. I do know, but there's nothing I can do.
The place I can take action is in my own small sphere of influence. I recycle, compost, grow veggies and mushrooms, hit thrift shops first when I need
something, or alternatively the local auctions. It's cheaper and I will re-love it. I swap gourmet mushrooms for fresh eggs from happy hens, trade medicinal plants I grow for medicinal plants I don't grow, talk to people I meet about compassion and helping their neighbours.
But I don't know how to fix the whole world. What I CAN do is to surround myself with good & conscientious human beings whose goal is to surround themselves with good & conscientious human beings like hyphae in a mycelial web, other nodes of influence.
I'm very thankful I've met
like-minded people in my life as well as on this platform (and that means you).
I'm really grateful! 🙏

So if you're my friend and incessantly spam out your political anxiety and jaggedy energy, I will block you.
It's nothing personal, but I'm currently engaged in a process of
both, distancing myself from political input as well as engaging more positively with the world (which politics won't allow me to do).
You can follow @bob_myco.
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