I'm convinced the average person can't take more than 30 seconds of listening to your life issues.

Doesn't matter if they asked you to open up.

If you absolutely must, wrap it up in 10-15 seconds and give as little information as possible.
Continue rambling, and you'll start to irritate them.

Person won't say they are not interested in your complaints. You just start to lose your appeal, charm, and most importantly respect.

Shut up. They don't care.

And even if they do, it's not as much as you think they do.
I'm aware people don't always ramble because they are looking for a solution.

Most do it to blow off steam. You'll be blowing steam and reputation off simultaneously.
Hard to keep to yourself when you're not used to it.

It's your burden, and no one is obligated to share it with you, so don't make them.

Nobody will appreciate you making their day sad because it makes you feel better.
Be the type of person to improve another's mood when they are with you.

I'm aware some people don't want their moods improved, they want you to share in their misery.

Stay away from such people. Usually unproductive people.
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