[1/5] Attended the "The Field of Science Communication Research" webinar on Jan 18th. Found the Q&A insightful particularly because topics alluded to those we discussed in @CU_BIOG3500. #CUSciStory
[2/5] Resonated with challenge 6 "dominance of authors from North America or Europe" as I learned the potential of contributions from other (ie. African) cultures in which science is applied and learned outside of a lab setting. Excerpt of article in previous tweet #CUSciStory
[3/5] Challenge #10 and Rec. #3 Prof. Dawson advocated for working and reaching to broader audiences, Prof. Gerber discussed about catering #scicomm to subgroups. Learned and practiced that there is never an "everyone" audience for science topics #audience #CUSciStory
[4/5] Prof. Tsabari shared that "science writing does not have much interdisclipinary jargon," suggesting that science understanding is distant from practitioners and general public. Limits info to scientists, others lack opportunity for leadership #jargon #CUSciStory
[5/5] Interesting to learn about the different funding policies in different nations. We should be looking into what kind of research is needed over what is already being researched (Challenge 5) Funding also influences the longevity of studies, assists rec. #2. #CUSciStory
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