"precision farming simply does not fit with the forms of payments envisaged by the Commission in its legislative proposal."
These are:
✅payments additional to the basic income support
✅additional costs incurred and income foregone.
And yet, so-called precision farming+
is supposedly a solution to reduce production costs, increase efficiency and profits, improve resource management...


why should farmers be paid for the additional supposed costs incurred and income forgone?
And then there's animal welfare as a brand new eco-scheme option. If pigs can fly, they seem to have landed down to earth in eco-schemes.
"to use up eco-scheme money for the purposes of animal welfare means far less money for the areas eco-schemes were designed to help with."
"That this has come in so late, with seemingly no consultation, smacks of a Commissioner who has a well documented long and strong focus on animal welfare, shoehorning his own pet project into an area which clearly should not have it in there."
Literally a pet project @jwojc.
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