Here's the thing though, as a man it's our fault that this culture not only exists, but thrives. It's up to us as men to stop it. Until we demonstrate to our fellow men that it's not okay, that there will be repercussions, we don't deserve nor do we need a pat on the back.
When I see assholes behaving like assholes towards women, I'm not bummed out because of how it's gonna reflect on me down the road. I'm bummed out because being harassed and assaulted and raped and murdered are legitimate concerns for the targets of this behavior!
Anyway, if there are guys up there who are upset about the idea that assholes are ruining it for the rest of us... GOOD! THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT FOR FUCKS SAKE. STOP HIRING ASSHOLES. FIRE SOME ASSHOLES. I PROMISE, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HIRE HARASSERS AND ABUSERS!
If you're not in a position to fire these dudes, then talk about the fact that what they are doing is wrong. Keep talking about it. Never shut the fuck up about it. If we do this enough, we can make those men in power uncomfortable enough to do the right thing. Sometimes.
The whole point here is that we can't put the burden on women to deplatform their harassers/abusers. It's not up to them to torpedo their careers and lives over this. It's up to us, as men. We gave these dudes the platform and the power to act this way. We can take it back.
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