Zheng shuang’s response is fundamentally problematic. She is utilizing the technicality of law from both countries to skirt responsibility. Her claim to be engaged with legal teams in both China and USA is more a veiled legal threat to the man who is now stuck with the two kids.
If we want to talk about the law, in China, surrogacy is illegal due to the black market for renting wombs of vulnerable women living in poverty. In China, wealthy women who don’t want to ruin their figure pay minimal $$ to the woman with most of it then going to the broker.
#ZhengShuang Often times the paying woman can request for abortion anytime and can even abandon babies if she or the husband loses interest. They can even abort babies if they reach the stage where the gender is revealed and is not what they want. Due to widespread abuse,
#ZhengShuang China has banned surrogacy at the moment. The SECOND thing to know about Chinese law is the concept of extraterritorial jurisdiction. Just bc she went to US to have surrogate babies doesn’t mean Chinese law does not apply here. She can still be persecuted for...
Breaking the law as a Chinese CITIZEN. There is a similar concept in the USA in terms of jurisdiction and enforcement of law. Zheng Shuang also technically broke the law in the US because she technically abandoned the 2 kids and her act of refusal to sign her name to allow
Repatriation of her 2 kids who now have US citizenship back to China can be interpreted as 1) attempted separation from the father who will be deported due to visa expiration, 2) child abandonment. Unless zheng shuang can prove ALL these months she has actively tried to...
Pay child support and did not commit acts that would be interpreted as child separation from a legal parent aka that man, she technically broke the law in the US. The grey area here is how the US can enforce the law on. #ZhengShuang since she is back in China. In China...
Zheng shuang has the upper hand since she has the financial means to threaten/influence proceeding her way and defame the guy. Bottom line #ZhengShuang has crossed many morality/legal lines. The question is will she pay the consequences bc she has technicality and $ on her side.
I think any of us who have morals know that Zheng shuang needs to pay the consequences for essentially mocking the law of both countries, demanding late term abortion from BOTH mothers which endangers THEIR lives, child abandonment, defamation attempts against guy. #ZhengShuang
UPDATE: So both Zheng Shuang posts detailing cheating/attempted financial blackmail from the guy wont stand as arguments of innocence in any legal proceedings. At best it puts the husband character in worse light than it already is. It doesn’t absolve her from the crimes below https://twitter.com/riyria03/status/1351415601646825475
UPDATE 2: some people have PMed me that they don’t think China has a surrogacy ban. If we want to talk precise legal language then China doesn’t explicitly ban surrogacy but technically bans it through a multitude of laws including human trafficking, female reproductive rights,..
And other laws that when applied adds up to a pretty clear ban of surrogacy. This why I say Zheng Shuang is playing with the semantics of law to get away with her actions/crimes. Its also why shes claiming she technically did not “break” the law. This is not even including ethics
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