Nothing you see is real.

The Capitol break in was allowed to happen.

The Left knows what they are doing.

Dissent of Joe Biden, election fraud, the Democrats and their agenda, has basically been criminalized within 2 weeks.

The FBI, Army and National Guard are vetting 1/7
troops & Secret Service agents to find out who is loyal to the regime. Do you think those background checks were thrown out? No. There is now a database of military and federal law enforcement who are friendly to the regime.

Democrats are calling for a creation of a domestic 2/7
spy agency to spy on “white supremacist terrorists” aka their political opposition.

Officers of the military who threatened to resign in protest if Trump used the Insurrection Act this summer to stop HUNDREDS of US cities from burning every night are now silent when 26,000 3/7
troops who are vetted to be loyal to the new regime are deployed to the nation’s capital and given the green light to use lethal force on American citizens.

Is this a cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrY? No. The above has all been reported by main stream media outlets over the last week and 4/7
cheered on by the Media.

The GOP? The party that was elected by and should be standing up for and defending the 75 million+ voters who are now being called “white nationalists”, “seditionists” and “domestic terrorists” everyday? They’re silent while AOC seeks to sponsor 5/7
legislation to federally fund programs to “Deprogram” Conservatives. They’re too busy deciding how many of them are going to vote guilty to impeach Donald Trump 5 months after he’s left office.

We’re on our own. The Constitution will not save you. Being a good law abiding 6/7
citizen will not save you. The law and the court system will not save you.

You are the enemy and they are coming for you.

Remember I said these things. /end
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