“What it’s like to date a person with DID.” I fixed the title at least, the rest was too much of a train wreck 🤷🏻‍♂️ #dissociatwt but main points my system would recommend are 1) educate yourselves on the disorder 2) speak to the alter your dating about what is and isn’t ok
3) communication is very important 4) respect boundaries 5) if you can’t handle it, walk away and don’t waste anyone’s feelings or time. Dating someone with complex disorders is a process and it’s not for the thin skinned. 6) it’s all about chemistry just like any other
Relationship. 7) you’re feelings are important too 8) a relationship will work if it’s healthy 9) both parties (or more) should be in the right place to have a relationship 10) it’s important to have fun, no relationship can withstand time if it feels like a chore. - Jake
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