We all have galactic guardians commonly known as guardian angels. It is the duty of your guardian angel to provide a protective aura around you to prevent interference with your light energies. Everyone has at least one galactic guardian, but those of us who are already...
...fifth dimensional beings require several guardians due to the fact that we’re actively increasing the frequencies of those around us. Our guardian angels are accompanied by assistants who are not considered angels, but are guardians nonetheless. It is time that you learn...
...how to communicate with your guardian angels. This must be done via meditation. When we meditate our higher selves commands our chakras to open, and our Arat Sekhem (kundalini) to flow freely, releasing the light within us. This light draws the guardian angels to us. While...
...meditating(sitting or lying down), speak your intentions (not out loud). Say that you want to connect with them; you want to evolve; that you want to be ready for contact with them; that you want to hear their messages; that you want to see them & know their names. Focus!
When you have no more to say, or you feel your mind wondering from the focal point, say goodbye and stop meditating. Do this daily for several days. It will begin as a monologue, but as you continue to do it, your light will draw them closer and closer to you. Create the...
...connection and your guardian angel will begin to communicate with you. This must be performed with a lot of respect, love and affection. They want this connection between us and them. It is very important that you do this exercise and make it a park of your daily routine.
Preferably, do this exercise at the same time and in the same place every day. I thank you all for vibing with me on the love frequency family.
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