Okay, lemme be mature about unlearning oppressive ideologies...

I guess I got this education for some reason 🙄

(a thread)
So, first and foremost:

Fuck all forms of oppression. Period. Anybody who supports them (knowingly or unknowingly) should probably be slapped, at the very least.
But that begs the question:

What do we do with the people who saw the error in their ways and have changed for the better?
Well, changing the way you think ALONE doesn't fix the problem.

You perpetuated a system that causes harm. You put in time and effort towards making people's lives less tolerable.
Not only do you have to accept that, you have to also violently and actively reject those systems much louder and much more aggressively than you supported them.
So, yeah, she was socialized to believe some pretty horrible things. She unlearned that and denounced those previous remarks. Problem solved, right?

No. https://twitter.com/Yi_Sun_Shin/status/1351392843949084673?s=20
You have to actively reject and speak up about how problematic those idealogies are. And you have do that consistently.

You've lost the luxury of just tweeting about your personal interests exclusively.

Sorry, not sorry.
This shouldn't be a difficult concept for Vegans to grasp, either...

Most of us ate meat. We learned it was wrong. We stopped eating meat and purchasing animal products.

And now we actively speak against that lifestyle ALL THE TIME.
When you unlearn oppression, you must also learn to become an enemy of the system that perpetuates it.
So, if you wanna tweet about how your granddad like Boyz 2 Men or whatever, let's see you type up some tweets about how white people need to stay out of Black Women's business?

Call out your peers! Denounce acts of racism, misogyny, homophobia, ableism, etc whenever you see it!
But if you've tweeted some fucked up shit, you've lost your right to just tweet about whatever in peace.

This is about justice and the only reason you feel comfortable is because of your privilege.

If you have privilege, it should be weaponized for people who don't.
So nah, that's not all you could do. You're being lazy and we're calling you out. Do better.
Now, somebody who is still a mutual send this shit to her, so I didn't type all this out for nothing 🙄
yah, i'm actually annoyed af

please don't defend this person in my mentions. they're beyond help atm.
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