Mac and Riley are totally "not" dating.
*also includes the "not" dates*
a thread:
#macgyver #MacRiley
A picnic by the river to watch an eclipse
Pizza and Skeeball *twice*
Romantic car drive in a GTO
Planned their honeymoon
(and held hands like this cause why not?)
this hug, head on shoulder and even the hand holding
no personal space because why would you need that when you're *obviously* dating?
cradling the others head when they almost died
about to die? hold you girlfriends hand right?
about to get hit by a torpedo? no worries! your girlfriend will not you leave you.
you're girlfriend is in pain? Put your own pain aside and be her boyfriend and comfort her ofcourse!
wake your girlfriend up at 6:03 am because you're having a mental crisis? no problem she won't be mad. She'll help.
you created a virus that is now being used for evil? Your boyfriend will still side with you!
became an enemy of the state? Your girlfriend will join you then too!

p.s. she will never lose faith in your sanity either!
Angus 'you want to get to her? you'll have to go thro me' MacGyver

Mac has Riley's back.

he fought that is saying a lot right?
cant stay away for too long
you love to flirt with each other
the way the colour of their clothes either match or compliment each other

even Riley's orange jumpsuit complimented Mac's blue shirt...
Mac*drinking the same drink* Riley
she protecc she attacc
but most importantly
shes got mac's bacc
Riley 'improvise' Davis
always in sync
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