I'm upset that bringing back brothels isn't more of a thing in the whore rights movement. i wanna know why it's controversial for us to want an actual workplace and establish cooperatives and unions? if what were going for is harm reduction, i mean.
i don't think we should be sidestepping this issue, i very much would love for us to not have to work so hard, to have more labor support, to have staff and move away from third party payment processors/websites.
i disagree with the idea that it's more radical or feasible for all us whores to be independent when many of us are struggling and/or dealing with unsafe labor conditions and are unable to depend on anyone for protection. brothels could help us protect ourselves.
this is a hill i will forever die on, because when i was a young erotic dancer i got so much shit about "extras" from management and other strippers, even when i wasn't doing anything, because I'm black and poor (from Milwaukee). whores aren't welcome in clubs or dungeons.
when i day whores i mean "those of us who fuck for funds."

anyway. i want whore-owned brothels. i want slut community. i want black queer, bi-pan, and trans safe spaces. i believe we could build via brothels. i believe it should be on our list of demands.
i don't wanna whore out of my home where i lay my head. it's not safe or feasible for me. no, give me a communal workplace. maybe there's a bar or a clinic downstairs. maybe there's a door attendant. maybe there's sugar bowls full of condoms. I'm just throwing shit out.
maybe our brothel (cummunal workplace/co-op?) has a mutual fund for sick pay. maybe it redistributes a certain amount of income from the highest earners. maybe it provides housing or daycare. maybe you pay a rent and can use the space to shoot porn. the possibilities are endless.
i encourage y'all to build on this and link back! i would love to hear about the whore dreams that don't end at decriminalization, but begin 💖
y'all should know i mean whore-controlled and managed brothels. like we own the building, set the regulations/rates, screen the clients, etc. no madams or wannabe-pimps or venture capitalists. https://twitter.com/thotscholar/status/1351387575500627968?s=19
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