Join me in calling for a new bill to hold our elected leaders accountable for telling the truth. I propose the TRUTH IN POLITICS ACT-similar to the Truth in Advertising & Truth in Lending. Why should companies & banks be held to a higher standard than our elected leaders? (Cont)
We all recognize that the insurrection was the culmination of the infiltration and takeover of disinformation in politics. Leaders in public trust abused that trust and are continuing to lie to their constituents, even now. We must address the root cause of the insurrection.
How can we do this? By holding elected leaders accountable for repeating misinformation and demonstrably false lies. Join me by writing to your elected leaders via Resistbot using Petition PCVMOB, or write your own! Let's get someone to take this bill up and make a difference!
You can follow @JustYurAvg.
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