O'Toole just set an impossible standard. Nobody can screen donors they way he demands of Sloan, especially if the donors obscure their name, like in this case. Every politician will have some dodgy donors, through no fault of their own, including O'Toole.
And branding Sloan as a racist because of a donation from a stranger is another mistake. Mark my words, O'Toole will be the one branded a racist when someone digs up a similar donation he blindly accepted.

O'Toole's 3rd mistake is accepting this bogus framing in the first place
Erin O'Tool has just ensured the CPC will continue to be branded a haven for white supremacists based on the flimsiest reasons.

Of course that couldn't be further from the truth, it' never been true. But the accusations will keep coming.

Nobody is safe by this new standard.
You see? Journalists are already using this against O'Toole.

The Liberals are salivating.

Erin O'Toole can't win by playing this game. He needs to break out of the headlock. https://twitter.com/davidakin/status/1351292871786303489
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