Remember, Martin Luther King was a fraud & puppet for the Communist GlobaI cabal.

He didn’t even write his famous “l Have A Dream” speech. It was written by his main advisor & controller, Stanley Levison, financial coordinator of the Communist Party USA.

He's no American hero.
Levison served as King’s free accountant, counsel, editor, agent.

King did as he said.

A tool.

“Civil Rights” was no “American” movement, but a tool for the GIobaI CabaI to divide, weaken & subjugate the European Christian nations.

It was the origin of the "Diversity" agenda.
Cartoonists accurately depicted King in the 1960s.

Like BIm's "peaceful protest" summer of 2020, nothing about this man & his movement was peaceful or positive.

That's a Hollywood fiction.

They were destructive, vioIent, targeted Whites chasing them out of cities, & ruined 🇺🇸.
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