Good evening and welcome to the Purple Program. An investigation into why our society is being constantly blanketed and bombarded with purple this year.

Mute or unfollow now if you want to keep you head in the sand. Frankly, I’m sick of it.

Let’s get started. 🟣
You’d have to be a blind idiot to not notice everything lately is purple. Purple everywhere. Media loves it. Especially using Getty Images, which is almost always purple for everything COVID Related..amped up and altered purples.

Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. 🟣
The usual slackjaws will quickly say it’s just a “design trend” & can stay in their trance, others wake up & see what’s happening. This is a massive psyops campaign to condition perception. And don’t @ me with “conspiracy” Bs. Learn to read and research.

do not consent to this.
Now even snow is now purple. It’s completely ridiculous.

Let’s get down to the heart of this purple beast.
Four thousand years ago, the Egyptians built healing temples of light. Bathing a patient in specific colors of light produced different effects.

Blindfolded people will experience physiological reactions under different colored rays. In other words, the skin sees in technicolor.
This fact was confirmed by the noted neuropsychologist, Kurt Goldstein. Stimulation of skin by different colors lead to different effects. “a specific color stimulation is accompanied by a specific response pattern of the entire organism."
Colour is a form of visible light. It is electromagnetic energy. The “Electromagnetic spectrum”

Purple is the most powerful visible wavelength of electromagnetic energy. Ultraviolet is used for Germicidal, "black light", and causes sunburns.
Now during the last 10months I’ve noticed, and I’m sure you have too, purple being blasted at us at ridiculous levels.

This is because purple has been used to care for mental nervous disorders because it has been shown to help balance the mind and ease anxiety and fears.
As an example of the Power Of Purple, try this test.

Stare at the centre crosshairs in this GIF and look at the rotating purple dots in your “peripheral” vision. What do you see?
You can follow @twitandrewking.
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