I've deleted a lot of tweets in the last few days. Lots and lots. Lots and lots and lots. And I think the best thing I can say is that this seems pretty shitty in the industry but really, this is like, fanastic.
It's fantastic because for YEARS several of us have been dealing with this harassment. In our DMs, in private groups, in meetings, at conventions. The number of people being harassed was less than the number that were turning the other cheek, so we were told to suck it up.
I remember being on a panel with one of my harassers. Like, a man that went so far to dox me, slander my name, and attempt to harass my spouse. And when I told the panel runners I wasn't comfortable with him on the panel, I was told "sorry, but he's done a lot for charity, so.."
But, I stuck around. And my friends who went through similar, and frankly, WAY WORSE harassment have stuck around. And now we're the ones in charge of things. We're the ones making decisions and with power to do business or not. And we're not backing down.
So for those of you that are newer to the industry (& drama), please know a few things. 1st: this isn't new to the industry. This is so old, it's before all of us. 2nd: watch who you align with. There is history EVERYWHERE, because it gets "forgotten" when new hotness drops
3rd: It's not as dark as it seems. This one is important. It is so so so much better than it was, than it has been, and it will only get better. If you are angry, upset, and frustrated, know that it is getting better, you are helping make it better, and it is bigger than today.
This isn't to say that it's all kittens and rainbows, cause it's not, but it's not all doom and gloom. Please don't be disheartened because there was a lot uncovered this week – there will always be crap uncovered. But there's also good every week.
If you want games to stay fun and "just be games", then maybe you should step back from BG Twitter and stop following industry people – just, honest truth. Cause this sort of thing is going to keep happening. Just do what you need to do to stay mentally healthy.
And to the people that are fighting the good fight and calling out the bullshit – thank you. But try to do what you need to be healthy. Take breaks. Play games with beloved friends. Do something to remind yourself why you love this industry. Please don't burn out. We need you.
I can't really handle supporting people outside my normal mentees this week.. but my DMs are open if you have specific ?s or concerns. I'll try to get to them when I can. Otherwise, I would say try to find someone that you won't emotionally drain the life out of right now..
And for my mentees that are reading this – YES, I ALWAYS HAVE TIME FOR YOU. You know how to directly access me, I will answer you when I can. Same as usual <3
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