#Buildinpublic Day 25:

Who draws the hands drawing the hands into existence?

🪡 ⬇️
The artist.

But... where is the artist? (Must the artist always be "off canvas"?)

*What* is the artist? The body? brain? Neurons? Atoms colliding?....
Anything we imagine to be the answer is already an image, a form, a determination. It is already {On-Canvas}.

What agency creates the image, the form, the determination?
Whatever IT is... it cannot be, itself, a determination. (Who draws the hands drawing the hands into existence?) ... It must be {Off-Canvas}.

Because our attention is on the Canvas, we are always too late in catching sight of it. https://twitter.com/SpaceXponential/status/1350208641958359041?s=20
This agency cannot be the brain (the go-to answer).

"The brain", as such, is already a cognition. A determination, a form on the canvas.

Being {On-Canvas}, it presupposes this agency, derives from it. "The brain" cannot be the primary reality.
from @behaviOrganisms: "Self contradictions of brain-consciousness parallelism. The paradox of parallelism (consciousness is nothing but brain activity): the brain generates the world, including the scientists inhabiting it and also the brain that they study....
... which in turn creates the world again and also itself again, and so on.

As in Escher's lithograph the Print Gallery, this view of the relationship between brain and consciousness leads to the Droste effect...
...an ontological & epistemological picture in which the brain & the world recursively appear within themselves." @behaviOrganisms
- We reduce the human being, the Knower, to the known. (Ask: Known by whom?)
- We reduce the human being, the Seer, to the seen. (Ask: Seen by whom?)
- We reduce the human being, the Speaker, to the spoken. (Ask: Spoken by whom?)
"... we know that determinism, in every sense relevant to human behavior, is true. Unconscious neural events determine our thoughts & actions - & are themselves determined by prior causes of which we are subjectively unaware." @SamHarrisOrg
cc: I understood you, dear @BretWeinstein, but I could also see why others can't/couldn't.

Trying to make this clear to myself has been a heckuva ride. But I'm going to try.

Thank you for trying, Bret. https://twitter.com/BretWeinstein/status/1208500901066919937?s=20
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